Saturday, November 26, 2011

~Find Your Place Of Joy~

Follow your heart and find your place of joy. Find happiness in your can't live your life like or for someone else. Take the time to reflect or evaluate what's truly important for you to be happy and live your best life! After all, it's your life and it's the real thing...this is not a dress rehersal. You only have one life so enjoy it to the fullest. ~Live, Laugh, Love Always and inspite of~ If you need a little guidance or assistance take advantage of the tools at There is a wealth of information in a wide variety of areas. Here's to living your best life!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

~Gift of Good-Bye

It's the dawn of a new day and a chance to begin anew. Don't be afraid activate and use your gift of good-bye. Who are you giving your time and energy? Who's speaking into you life? Are they worthy and truly are for you; or do they have a hidden agenda? You don't need people in your life who try to limit and destroy you. You need people in your life or circle that will build, empower, inspire, love and motivate you. Are the people in your circle building you up; or tearing you down? No one can answer this but you. However, after careful evaluation of this, and you find that they are. Don't be afraid to exercise the gift of Good-Bye. Your time and energy is too precious to spend with people who are not 100% for you. It's not the quantity of friends or business associates. that's important. It's the quality. If you remove the negative people or things from your life, trust and know that the most high will bring an abundance of positive people and things back into your life. Always remember that you're a precious gem; and you should be treated as such always. Have an AMAZING day everyone!
In life know that: ~Every Setback was created to be a Setup for an AMAZING comeback.~ so embrace each and everyone of life matter how good or bad!
Keep Elevating and Empowering Yourself! ~

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Benefits Now - National Motor Club

Hiring Immediately for Agents!! No license required!!
Tell all your family and business PROFESSIONALS.
You can make $40-93Hr. Enjoy a $8,000 Christmas BONUS!
You can work at home, college or while on the go. We are hiring across the United States. You get paid weekly, free company stock, NO charge backs, residual income,weekly team bonuses, pension plan, free Miami and Puerto Rico vacations. Enjoy the video at
After reviewing the video, if you would like to obtain membership or if you  would like to make some $$. Go to the this website and get started.
Call Adrienne at 757) 535-0924

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

~Silence Is The Batterer's Best Friend~

Domestic violence does not discriminate! Domestic violence happens in all kinds of families and relationships. Persons of any class, culture, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, age, and sex can be victims or perpetrators of domestic violence.

Domestic violence is one of the most chronically underreported crimes.  And  only one-quarter of all physcial assaults, and one-fifth of. all rapes, and one-half of all stalkings perpetuated against females by intimate partners are reported to the police. 
Silence is the batterer’s best friend. And this has to change! We all must do our part to help break the Silence and the break the cycle against this hideous crime towards other humans!  No one deserves to be abused. Period. The only person responsible for the abuse is the abuser. It is not your FAULT! Physical violence, even among family members, is wrong and against the law. 
Please be mindful that, witnessing violence between one's parents or caretakers is the strongest risk factor of transmitting violent behavior from one generation to the next. Young children who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners and children when they become adults. Thirty  to Sixty percent of perpetrators of intimate partner violence also abuse children in the household.  If you and your children are currently in a situation of this kind.  Please work diligently to remove yourself.   National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
 There are many reasons why women may not leave. And not leaving does not mean that the situation is ok or that the victim want to be abused. Leaving can be very dangerous. So careful planning and consideration is needed to execute this task.The most dangerous time for a woman who is being abused is when she tries to leave. However, it can be accomplished...many victims do leave and lead successful, violence free lives.

Everyone deserves to be happy and treasured. Like a flower, bloom into the beauty of you...petal by petal. Break the SILENCE! STOP the VIOLENCE!  And always remember that you are a precious gem!




Monday, October 3, 2011

~What Do Diamond's House and Mary Kay Have in Common for the Month of October~

Well, what do Diamond's House and Mary Kay both have in common for the month of October? We will be "joining forces" to help battle a common foe…domestic violence. As we all know, the month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month; and all across this great country many will be uniting as one, to help bring increased awareness and working towards eradicating this problem.
Since the year 2000, the Mary Kay Foundation has donated more than $28 million in grants to 150 domestic violence shelters in all 50 states. This year, Mary Kay will again be donating $3 million in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Domestic Violence is an issue that affects each and every one of us to some degree in the United States of America and abroad. It does not discriminate due to race, age, economic status, religion, nationality, gender or educational background.
Domestic Violence is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly. One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. And most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police due to fear or not having a support system.
 Let's all do our part Break the Silence and Stop the Violence. Family, friends and coworkers of victims can be their life line and can make a world of difference to victims of domestic violence. You can encourage, motivate and help them seek the needed resources to get out of their situation.
Don’t just sit back and do nothing if you know deep down in your heart of hearts that someone needs you and they are in a relationship that is toxic and experiencing domestic abuse. At the least, reach out to the person and let them know that you are there for them.
Before you even have that conversation; you can even do a little research and provide them with the name of a few shelters, and support groups, and other pertinent information in your area.
 As stated before, domestic violence is rapidly on the rise; and we need everyone to get on board to help with eradicating this issue and restoring peace, love and security back into the lives and homes of families that have been impacted by this hateful act. Not just in the month of October, but all year.
I'm so impressed by the awesome work Mary Kay has been doing to help eradicate is issue. The company has donated nearly $28 million dollars over the last few years to help build shelters for the victims of domestic violence and their families.
This is such an awesome thing and it is to be commended for its efforts and donations. Because it's not easy for someone to have to pick up and start over with their young ones. We at Diamond's House Inc. are not in a position to contribute as much as Mary Kay or compete on that level (yet), but we will continue to do our part to help eradicate domestic violence as well.
Diamond's House is committed to helping domestic violence victims, but we cannot do it without your support. If this message resonates with you and would like to help our cause, your contributions would be greatly appreciated. Join our Purple Ribbon Campaign and help eradicate domestic abuse.

Monday, September 26, 2011

~Participator or Spectator~

Life is just like a game. Are you going to be a participator in it, or just a spectator? There is no such thing as luck. Success comes from actually putting in work. Your life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the the real thing. Get rid of the toxic people in your life; and surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you to achieve SUCCESS. Never give up and always Keep Elevating Yourself!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

~That CookBook~ Cooking With Love~

Diamond’s House has decided to publish a cookbook. "Cooking With Love From Diamond's House Inc."

This cookbook will be overflowing with the best recipes; from the best cooks from their community and across the US. Yes, they are referring to you;  so please submit your recipes to (please put “Cookbook” in the subject line).

They would like you to send in three or four of your favorite recipes as soon as possible. Please include your name and location. They will then select one or more of your recipes to be included in their cookbook.

If you would like to list a recipe in memory of a loved one, please include “in loving memory of and the person’s name” and a few sentences about why that recipe is special to you.
All profits from the sale of the cookbook will fund the programs at Diamond’s House. This 5.5″x 8.5″ cookbook, with plastic comb binding, will make a cherished keepsake on your kitchen shelf!

Diamond's House truly thanks you for your support!  Because without you they could not fulfill their mission of assisting the homeless, elderly, youth and domestic abuse victims.  To find out more about the programs and services that Diamond's House offer; please visit the aforementioned website.  Always remember that you're a precious gem!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Life  (Living In Full Effect). You only live once...Live life to the fullest...Everyday!

We all have special gifts and talents that resides within us. What will you do with your gift today? Bury it, hide it away from the world out of fear...or will you showcase who are and you were created to be? You were created to shine - never ever let anyone dull the glory/honor that radiants from you.

In life, we are all face with challenges on daily basis. However, life's challenges are not suppose to paralyze/cripple you; they are suppose to help you discover exactly who you are and what you want out of life. Each and everyday is another step in your life's journey. And if you stay consistent and keep moving; you will definitely reach the finish line!

Life will not always be easy! However,we must hold on to our faith and speak positive things into existence. We must not become stagnated in life. Regardless of  how many goals you have achieved/accomplished in life; you must constantly set your sights on a higher ones. And never ever stop elevating and empowering yourself. Invest time into your personal development. Knowledge is powerful!

For every negative in your life, counteract and feed your mind with positive thoughts. Choose thoughts, friends and situations that will elevate/empower your life. Your environment directly affects your development...if possible try to surround yourself with people that will encourage and stimulate your mind.  If you have people in your life that are toxic and draining; it's best to remove them. Remember ~Season, Reason or Lifetime~ and this goes for family and friends. Life is too short.

Monday, August 15, 2011

~ A Great Tool ~

I'm always looking for great tools that I can use to help me in my  business ventures. 
I'm so excited! You have to see what I found. 
I secured an incredible new tool... and a new way to make money online... and the best part is, it’s FREE!  We can't beat that! 
This tool can benefit anyone who has a business, regardless of what  their expertise may be!
Click here to check it out.

Let me know what you think...

Here's to success!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

~Everyone Was Empowered~

Diamond's House - Stop Domestic Abuse Awareness Workshop was a success!  It was a day of caring, sharing and the beginning of healing for many. Everyone was presented with purple ribbons as they arrived to signify that they are against domestic violence.    The powerful presenters really empowered the audience as they delivered presentations on the the following topics: 3T's- Time, Trust and Testimony (Baron Howard), Toxic Relationships (Liletta Thompson), We All Are Defective (Chris Barnes), Woman Against Violence (Diana Chappell-Lewis), Be Aware Of Your Surroundings (Katrina Riddick) and Trusting Your Intuition (Linda Kinchley).   The audience was also empowered by poetry, poems and mime. Amy Velazquez, delivered a powerful message, "Sorry, I  Love You" and Elora Artis also delivered a powerful message through the poem, "I Got Flowers Today" and 9 year old Malique Hawkins, perform an amazing mime performance to Kirk Franklin's song "Smile". 

There was candid dialogue among the group and the presentators.  It was a Domestic Abuse Awareness Workshop...however, this event touched on so many areas and everyone was able to leave with great take-aways.  It was an empowering experience overall for everyone!

Domestic violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of scars or bruises.  It's devasting to be abused by someone that you love and who you think  loved you back. For every victim who thinks no one understands there are thousands who not only understands, but share in your pain and sorrow.  Always remember that you are not ALONE!

Like a flower, bloom into the beauty of you...petal by petal.  Break the SLIENCE!  STOP the VIOLENCE! You are a pecious gem!,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Every Journey...

Every journey starts with one small step. You can do anything you put your mind to, it only requires, desire, faith and persistence.  The dream of success is enough to sustain us during hard time if you can see it clearly enough.  Success comes in 2 steps; First from within and then from out. Your life is yours, don't ever let anyone decide what your limits are.  Keep elevating and empowering yourself.  Become what you dream!

 Live from the heart of your yourself. Do something positive everyday and all of a sudden your goals and dreams will materialize. Love yourself out loud!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How are you spending your energy?

How are you spending your energy? Are you Celebrating? Worrying? Focusing? Building? Creating? Exploring? Life is too short and precious to be taken for granted and not lived to your fullest potential. Dare to be remarkable! It's never too late, to fulfill a dream! Keep elevating and empowering yourself! 
 With hard work and determination, there is nothing that you can't accomplished!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

~Stop The Violence Workshop~

Like a flower, bloom into the beauty of you...petal by petal. You're a precious gem. Break the silence...Stop the violence! ~Diamond's House

Verbal and Emotional Abuse = Domestic Violence
Together Let's Break the Silence and Break the Cycle!

The Diamond's House Group and I are gearing up for The Stop Violence Workshop.  On next Saturday, August 13th starting promptly at 1p at at the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame and Museum in Portsmouth Virginia.

This will be a day of caring, sharing and the beginning of healing.  We will have uplifting speakers from the local and Maryland and DC area.  We will have discussions on the subjects of  Toxic Relationships (Liletta Big Sis Thompson, 3 T's (Time, Trust and Testimony- Baron Bsmart Howard, WAV (Women Against Violence- Diana Chappell Lewis) and much more.  We will hear accounts from victims who have endured domestic violence. There will be information on statistics,  awareness, resources and what we can do as friends and family for victims who may be experiencing Domestic Violence or Violence in general. We will have entertainment and light refreshments. 

This event is free and is suitable for men, women and teens. Please register at the below link for planning purposes. Please feel free to share with your family, friends and church members.  Thanks in advance for your continued support of Diamond's House We look forward to seeing each and everyone one of you next week.  God Bless!

Listen as Vince Most Wanted gives his prospective on Domestic Violence.

This young man will be one of the entertainers next week.

DH Domestic Violence Picture 
Octavia Wright


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

~Building a Financial legacy~

~Faith, Family and Finance~ Build a Financial legacy for you and your love ones.  This can be accomplished by having multiple streams of income.  See the links below for a few options or services that you may be able to utilize .
If you're in need of a professional life coach.  Check out and schedule your free 30 minute complimentary session by emailing Coach Adrienne @
Are you living your life by default, or by design?
If "default" was the answer, Watch my 5 minute video, take the tour and change your future. Here's to your Success!
Gold and Silver is where it's at folks...Don't sleep on it! Click the link to listen to conference.  After listening to the conference or you can do this before hand if you're ready to take action.  Check out the link and get started today.  Join​m ~ user name ~ AdrienneLitmon
Are you a coffee or tea lover?  This company has some of the best products and a great compensation plan as well.  The Gourmet Cafe Mocha is one of my favorites.  Not only does it taste good but it's healthy for you! Check it out! http://www.adriennelitmon.orga​
The 24 month Retirement Plan -
Are you in need of a makeover? Visit 
In need of cards for all occasions.  Check Out
Looking for great deals and discounts check out National Motor Club

Monday, August 1, 2011

~A Brand New Month....August ~

It's the start of brand new month...have you set your monthly goals yet?
In 2011, I want ______________________________​__. August is here and I have accomplished__________________​______________________________​_. Remember a goal properly set is half way reached.  It's never too late to start working towards your dreams. Look at your life through the eyes of faith, and visualize yourself living and accomplishing all your goals and aspirations.
Take a few minutes today, and set a few goals for the month of August.   Taking the time, to actually write them down will help you stay accountable.  There is nothing like seeing those goals written down in black and white.  You can accomplish so much in a month's time! However, the first step is to take action!
I personally will take this month to continue to  focus on my health by eating healthy and exercising at least 3 times a week. I will also make a conscious effort to drink at least 40 ounces of pure water a day.  I know we are suppose to drink 64 ounces a day; however, I'm a work in progress and must build myself back up to that. 
Over, the next month, I will continue to focus on building my coaching practice and expanding my other businesses.  And last but not least, I will continue to work on being the best person that I can be; as it relates to dealing with people and the way that I handle certain situations.  I must make a conscious effort to be joyful always; pray continually;  and give thanks in all circumstances.  Because regret looks back. Worry looks down and faith looks up.  I must KEEP THE FAITH AT ALL TIMES!  I will also continue to eliminate toxic people from my circle.  I must stay focused at all TIMES!
Here's to accomplishing my August goals! (*_~)

Monday, July 25, 2011

...Your Environment

I hope everyone had a wonderful and productive day! Whether we realize it or not; Our environment directly affects our growth and development.  We must remove the negative people and things from our lives. We must surround ourselves with people who will stimulate our growth and development. We must make a conscious effort to choose friends, thoughts or situations that will empower and elevate your success!  Negative energy and people will only bring you down and halt success.

We can do anything we put our mind too, and achieve all of our goals with hard work and dedication.  Dream Big, Work Hard and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Break the Silence

Verbal and Emotional Abuse = Domestic Violence
We must Break the Silence and Break the Cycle!

The number of  Domestic Violence victims is really on the rise.  It has been reported that one in four women(25%) are being subjected to domestic violence daily.  This is very sad, however it's a reality for so many women.  I personally have never experience domestic violence.  However, I have friends and family who have experienced domestic violence  and I've seen the life-long scars that are left with them both mentally and physcially. And it's not a pretty sight!   The sad part is we have friends, family and co-workers who are experiencing this daily and we are not aware of it.  There is no way to tell for sure if someone is actually experiencing abuse. 

 Those who abuse and those who are battered come  in all colors, genders, size, economic classes and sexual orientation.  Back in the day...some people use to think that most battered victims were passive with low self-esteem.  However, that's not the case these days and times. So it makes it harder for friends and family to identify the problem and offer assistance.  However, inspite of  trying to cover up these incidents; they may exhibit certain signs. So we should have our radars on.  If you notice unexplained injuries, personality changes, absences from work or school, fear of conflict, self-blame or anything that's out of character for your friend or family member...please take the time, to talk with them...and let them know that you are concerned with their well being and that you are there for them.

The conversation may be ackward...however, it could save someone's life. Let's all do our part to help bring awareness to domestic violence. 
Domestic Violence Hotline-1-800-799-(SAFE)7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224

The 24 Month Retirement Plan

Are you looking for a great opportunity that you can maximize from home? Check out  The Road to Retirement!

~Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold~

Over the past two weeks...I have sit and observed so much...and from my observations...I truly hope that people wake up before it's too late and stop putting earthly men and women up on pedestals! Don't let money and what people claim they can do for you...make you forget about your God given common sense! Everything that glitters ain't Gold. Ask yourself...what's in it for them? There should be a law against dishonesty!

The only thing that's instant in this world is coffee.  With that being said, everything else that you want to accomplish in life is going to take hard work and determination.  It's only normal that you want to achieve your goals and dreams immediately...however, you must be mindful of who you allow to help you make them become a reality.  This world is full of shiesty people who are only out for self-gain.  The majority of them have a hidden agenda...and if you are not careful; you will not realize it until you have signed one sided contracts...or give up the rights to your work.

Your dreams are just that...YOUR DREAMS, no one will effectively handle business on your behalf better than YOU will.  Take the time to do research and learn how to become the best representative/advocate, for whatever it is you are looking to embark upon. Keep elevating and empowering yourself so that you can do this effectively.  There is nothing wrong with having partnerships...or solicting help...just make sure that it's in your best interest or a win/win for both parties!

Friday, July 22, 2011

....The Tongue

The tongue is a small part of the body but causes the most harm! Whether you realize it or not, our words have extreme power! We actually speak life to certain situations good or bad with our choice of words. What we say in the midst of a storm or difficulties; can sometimes determine how long we remain in a situation.  We must be cognizant of our actions and make a point to speak positive and encouraging thoughts instead of negative and discouraging ones.

God has a wonderful plan for your life.  You are valuable! You are loved and you have favor where ever you go! There are an abundance of blessings waiting to be recieved by you!

Dare to speak positivity in every situation you encounter!

Let your fears energize you

We can not go back and start a new beginning, however, we can start today and create a new ending. Forget your former transgressions ; do not dwell in the past. Look towards the future. Everything that happens to you, happens for a reason. And their are lessons to be learned from every encounter in life. Let your fears energize you and turn your challenges into triumphs.
Make it a great day everyone!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Plan B

Everyone has Dreams and Aspirations...but it takes a special person to go after them and bring them into existence...and make it a reality...are you that person? Do you have a dream of owning a great home business? Are you looking for your Plan B? Take 4 minutes and review the Movie, www.beautifulbeachbabe.sbcpowe​ take the Tour,enter your name ,#and email...and make that dream a reality!


God, I thank you for the lessons and the things that are being revealed. Everything happens for a reason. I thank you for all my blessings!  I've learned alot over the past few days.  Some things were shocking and caught me off guard; however, others was just confirmation to things you that I always knew but did not want to accept.  You know...we get in a comfort zone...we let our guard down...we think that people around you have your best interest at heart.  When in reality, they are looking for you to fail! And they use every opportunity to knock the things that you are doing or to point out your faults, or flaws to others!  To sum it up...THEY ARE NOT HAPPY FOR YOUR HAPPY!   Once you have identified these people.  You must eliminate them from your life!  ~Turn your challenges into triumphs and your wounds into wisdom.~  surround yourself with people who are going to motivate and enhance your growth~ and move on.  You don't need people in your life who is going to stagnate your growth and development. 

Life is all about living and learning. All of life's encounters; whether they are good or bad should be used as an opportunity to grow and develop. We will all encounter disappointments, hurts and failure from others as well as yourself. However, we must release them and move on. Let BYGONES BE GONE...and never put a question mark where God has put a period!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Take Action

In order to accomplish our goals and aspirations we must TAKE ACTION!  Action can easily executed and incorporated into your life; by using the below as a guide.
A-Acknowledge and define obstacles in the way of your happiness or success.
C-Cause why r these situations/feelings occurring?
T-Tools learn skills and create a game plan.
I-Implement put the plan into action in your life.
O-Ongoing Support have a personal cheerleader (life coach)
N-New Outlook reach your goals...become Empowered! Keep Elevating and Empowering Yourself!
~You're in control of your own destiny.~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

~Sail on the Sea of Success!~

Let's accomplish what we can in our that we can relax and ~Sail on the Sea of Success!~ When we are older. Dream Big, Work Hard and Enjoy the Reward!
Their is nothing you can't accomplish with a little planning and hard work. Take some time today; and set some goals and then go out there and execute them!  Here's to your SUCCESS!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Work In Progress

~Dream, live, love, laugh, share, encourage, build and create.~ Surround yourself with people who will bring out the best in you. We are all a work in progress! There are no perfect human beings on earth. Keep elevating and empowering yourself.  And eventually you will accomplish all your goals.  Have an AMAZING day! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

~Get Proactive, Get Active, Get Results~

Happy Wednesday! Feeling great and ready to face the challenges of today . Looking forward to another day of eating healthy (liquids until noon and healthy meals afterwards), vitamins, exercise and uplifting and creating. Thanks to those who are joining in on this journey.  We will be doing this through the end of July. ~Get Proactive, Get Active, Get Results~

Fearful Criticism

Never pay attention to fearful criticism. It's your life and your principles, these others don't live them. Do not allow others to stagnate your growth. You are in control of your own destiny. The only thing that can keep you from succeeding is yourself. Dream Big~ Work Hard~ Enjoy the fruits of your labor.~


Google Had Been Dethroned!

Google Had Been Dethroned! Check Out The New
Provider Of Hot Fresh Leads...


The less time you associate yourself with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it only increases your mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on. They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

Consider this:
Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere.

With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it.
Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights. "A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.

The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for the good and the bad

Note: Be not mistaken. This is applicable to family as well as friends. love, appreciate and be thankful for your family, for they will always be your family no matter what. Just know that they are human first and though they are family to you, they may be a friend to someone else and will fit somewhere in the criteria above.


"Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them."

"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters.
Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude."

Colin Powell

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cease The Gossip!

Conversation is exercise of the mind. While gossip is just exercise of the tongue. We should focus our energy on being productive. And elevating and empowering ourselves through building and creating.

Diamond's House 2nd Annual Charity Event

Do you have a voice?

Great video! Do you have a voice?

Faith Goals

It's been a  very busy week for me; so I've taken the time to review and modify my F.A.I.T.H goals. F.A.I.T.H goals - FOCUSED(specific), ATTAINABLE (realistic), INDIVIDUAL (for you), TRACKABLE (measureable), HEARTFELT (motivational). If you haven't done so, take some time today and set some F.A.I.T.H goals. They will make a major difference in your life. Have a productive day!

"Is Facebook really worth investing in"

Is Facebook really worth investing in?

Watch this video! In it, my good buddy Jonathan
reveals one simple little “Facebook Formula” that
...he has tested over and over again, to generate
4,740 leads for his business in less than 30 days.
Let me know what you think...

Live Your Life

In life don't concern yourself with others and their perception of you. Live your best life! What other people think of you is none of your business. Don't allow others to dictate what you do or how you feel about yourself! Live from the heart of yourself. Stop trying to win other's respect. Live your life with integrity and self-determination based on what you believe.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Power Within You

Happy Tuesday! We are all a work in progress. However, we all have the POWER within us to do all that we desire! There is nothing we can't accomplish with hard work and determination. Here's to achieving all of our goals and aspirations in 2011! Make it a great day everyone!