Sunday, July 24, 2011

Break the Silence

Verbal and Emotional Abuse = Domestic Violence
We must Break the Silence and Break the Cycle!

The number of  Domestic Violence victims is really on the rise.  It has been reported that one in four women(25%) are being subjected to domestic violence daily.  This is very sad, however it's a reality for so many women.  I personally have never experience domestic violence.  However, I have friends and family who have experienced domestic violence  and I've seen the life-long scars that are left with them both mentally and physcially. And it's not a pretty sight!   The sad part is we have friends, family and co-workers who are experiencing this daily and we are not aware of it.  There is no way to tell for sure if someone is actually experiencing abuse. 

 Those who abuse and those who are battered come  in all colors, genders, size, economic classes and sexual orientation.  Back in the day...some people use to think that most battered victims were passive with low self-esteem.  However, that's not the case these days and times. So it makes it harder for friends and family to identify the problem and offer assistance.  However, inspite of  trying to cover up these incidents; they may exhibit certain signs. So we should have our radars on.  If you notice unexplained injuries, personality changes, absences from work or school, fear of conflict, self-blame or anything that's out of character for your friend or family member...please take the time, to talk with them...and let them know that you are concerned with their well being and that you are there for them.

The conversation may be ackward...however, it could save someone's life. Let's all do our part to help bring awareness to domestic violence. 
Domestic Violence Hotline-1-800-799-(SAFE)7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224

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