Thursday, July 21, 2011


God, I thank you for the lessons and the things that are being revealed. Everything happens for a reason. I thank you for all my blessings!  I've learned alot over the past few days.  Some things were shocking and caught me off guard; however, others was just confirmation to things you that I always knew but did not want to accept.  You know...we get in a comfort zone...we let our guard down...we think that people around you have your best interest at heart.  When in reality, they are looking for you to fail! And they use every opportunity to knock the things that you are doing or to point out your faults, or flaws to others!  To sum it up...THEY ARE NOT HAPPY FOR YOUR HAPPY!   Once you have identified these people.  You must eliminate them from your life!  ~Turn your challenges into triumphs and your wounds into wisdom.~  surround yourself with people who are going to motivate and enhance your growth~ and move on.  You don't need people in your life who is going to stagnate your growth and development. 

Life is all about living and learning. All of life's encounters; whether they are good or bad should be used as an opportunity to grow and develop. We will all encounter disappointments, hurts and failure from others as well as yourself. However, we must release them and move on. Let BYGONES BE GONE...and never put a question mark where God has put a period!

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