Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Exercise Your Gift of Discernment

Happy Tuesday Everyone! Exercise and utilize your gift of discernment! Choose carefully whom you seek advice , guidance or wisdom from...and also whom you have praying for and with you.
Try sending up prayers on your own behalf sometimes. (*_~) Develop and cultivate your own personal relationship with the CREATOR! Always remember that you don't have to accept everyone's advice or suggestions for your life and/or business. They are just that SUGGESTIONS!
You are the sole proprietor of You.com so the final decision rests with you. Don't allow emotional ties or connections with family and friends to supersede and cloud your judgement! (take your stance and stand firm in your decision making). The Creator will guide and direct your path! And HE will supply all your of needs! Keep the faith, and never ever stop elevating and empowering yourself! Create a GREAT day everyone!
Get your copy of Keeping Elevating Yourself, 30 Days of Empowerment, Growth & Motivation today!  Currently available for download as an E-book for $7.95.  For additional info on this book...look on the right side of the home page of this blog.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Consistency is Key

Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since I've updated my blog.  This is actually the first time in 2012. I definitely must work harder and be more consisent with this.  So how are things going for you in 2012?  Are you on track to achieving your New Year's Resolutions or goals established for 2012?  Consistency is key; and slow and steady always wins the race.  A goal properly set is half-way reached.

I've personally been faced with a few challenges over the past few weeks.   However I have decided to embrace them all; and continue to press forward on this journey that we call life.  Experience is a great teacher and there are lessons to be learned from each and every situation we encounter.  Every setback is an opportunity for an amazing COMEBACK.  We must keep the faith and continue to press forward.  Until next time, keep elevating and empowering yourself.  Live, Laugh, Love, Always and inspite of.
Today, you can beat anything that comes against you. Nothing is too difficult for God. Start living under the blessing that God has in store for you.~Joel Osteen