Saturday, November 26, 2011

~Find Your Place Of Joy~

Follow your heart and find your place of joy. Find happiness in your can't live your life like or for someone else. Take the time to reflect or evaluate what's truly important for you to be happy and live your best life! After all, it's your life and it's the real thing...this is not a dress rehersal. You only have one life so enjoy it to the fullest. ~Live, Laugh, Love Always and inspite of~ If you need a little guidance or assistance take advantage of the tools at There is a wealth of information in a wide variety of areas. Here's to living your best life!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

~Gift of Good-Bye

It's the dawn of a new day and a chance to begin anew. Don't be afraid activate and use your gift of good-bye. Who are you giving your time and energy? Who's speaking into you life? Are they worthy and truly are for you; or do they have a hidden agenda? You don't need people in your life who try to limit and destroy you. You need people in your life or circle that will build, empower, inspire, love and motivate you. Are the people in your circle building you up; or tearing you down? No one can answer this but you. However, after careful evaluation of this, and you find that they are. Don't be afraid to exercise the gift of Good-Bye. Your time and energy is too precious to spend with people who are not 100% for you. It's not the quantity of friends or business associates. that's important. It's the quality. If you remove the negative people or things from your life, trust and know that the most high will bring an abundance of positive people and things back into your life. Always remember that you're a precious gem; and you should be treated as such always. Have an AMAZING day everyone!
In life know that: ~Every Setback was created to be a Setup for an AMAZING comeback.~ so embrace each and everyone of life matter how good or bad!
Keep Elevating and Empowering Yourself! ~