Monday, September 26, 2011

~Participator or Spectator~

Life is just like a game. Are you going to be a participator in it, or just a spectator? There is no such thing as luck. Success comes from actually putting in work. Your life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the the real thing. Get rid of the toxic people in your life; and surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you to achieve SUCCESS. Never give up and always Keep Elevating Yourself!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

~That CookBook~ Cooking With Love~

Diamond’s House has decided to publish a cookbook. "Cooking With Love From Diamond's House Inc."

This cookbook will be overflowing with the best recipes; from the best cooks from their community and across the US. Yes, they are referring to you;  so please submit your recipes to (please put “Cookbook” in the subject line).

They would like you to send in three or four of your favorite recipes as soon as possible. Please include your name and location. They will then select one or more of your recipes to be included in their cookbook.

If you would like to list a recipe in memory of a loved one, please include “in loving memory of and the person’s name” and a few sentences about why that recipe is special to you.
All profits from the sale of the cookbook will fund the programs at Diamond’s House. This 5.5″x 8.5″ cookbook, with plastic comb binding, will make a cherished keepsake on your kitchen shelf!

Diamond's House truly thanks you for your support!  Because without you they could not fulfill their mission of assisting the homeless, elderly, youth and domestic abuse victims.  To find out more about the programs and services that Diamond's House offer; please visit the aforementioned website.  Always remember that you're a precious gem!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Life  (Living In Full Effect). You only live once...Live life to the fullest...Everyday!

We all have special gifts and talents that resides within us. What will you do with your gift today? Bury it, hide it away from the world out of fear...or will you showcase who are and you were created to be? You were created to shine - never ever let anyone dull the glory/honor that radiants from you.

In life, we are all face with challenges on daily basis. However, life's challenges are not suppose to paralyze/cripple you; they are suppose to help you discover exactly who you are and what you want out of life. Each and everyday is another step in your life's journey. And if you stay consistent and keep moving; you will definitely reach the finish line!

Life will not always be easy! However,we must hold on to our faith and speak positive things into existence. We must not become stagnated in life. Regardless of  how many goals you have achieved/accomplished in life; you must constantly set your sights on a higher ones. And never ever stop elevating and empowering yourself. Invest time into your personal development. Knowledge is powerful!

For every negative in your life, counteract and feed your mind with positive thoughts. Choose thoughts, friends and situations that will elevate/empower your life. Your environment directly affects your development...if possible try to surround yourself with people that will encourage and stimulate your mind.  If you have people in your life that are toxic and draining; it's best to remove them. Remember ~Season, Reason or Lifetime~ and this goes for family and friends. Life is too short.